Eurasian Wren (Troglodytes troglodytes)



The Wren is the smallest songbird in Europe and one of its main features is the short tails which mostly stands vertically. The short, stubby and mostly upright held tail is the best feature for quick identification. Further features of the Wren are the short neck, long, slim and pointed bill, short and pointed wings and, compared to body size rather long and slim legs.


The Wren typically breeds in woodland with dense undergrowth, also in overgrown clearings, in marshland, on the edge of reed zones, in scrub areas and in gardens and yards with planted trees and shrubs. When resident in the area, Wrens attend to offered bird feedings. In order to support wrens breeding in urban areas it would help to set up nesting boxes.



eurasian wren
Eurasian Wren


Bird Facts: Eurasian Wren


Breeding – Clutch – Measurements – Habitat – Food - Threats



Order: Passerines (Passeriformes)

Family: Troglodytidae

Genus: Troglodytes

Species: Eurasian Wren


Scientific Name: Troglodytes troglodytes


Names and Synonymes of the Eurasian Wren


Name in German: Zaunkönig

Name in Czech: Střízlík obecný

Name in Slovak: Oriešok obyčajný

Name in Hungarian: Ökörszem

Name in Croat: Palčić

Name in French: Troglodyte mignon

Name in Spanish: Chochín Común

Name in Portuguese: Carriça

Name in Italian: Scricciolo

Name in Dutch: Winterkoning

Name in Finish: Peukaloinen

Name in Norwegian: Gjerdesmett

Name in Danish: Gærdesmutte

Name in Swedish: Gärdsmyg

Name in Polnisch: Strzyżyk

Name in Russian: Крапивник

Name in Greek: Τρυποφράχτης

Name in Turkey: Çitkuşu, Çıtkuşu


Distribution – Movements – Habitat – Behaviour


Wren sitting in nest
Wren bringing food to the nest