Red-backed Hawk (Buteo polyosoma)




red-backed hawk
Red-backed Hawk


Description - Characteristics: Red-backed Hawk


Breeding – Clutch – Measurements – Habitat – Diet - Threats



Order: Accipitriformes

Family: Accipitridae

Genus: Buteo

Species: Red-backed Hawk


Scientific Name: Buteo polyosoma


Names and Synonyms of the Red-backed Hawk


Name in German: Rotrückenbussard

Name in Spanish: Busardo dorsirrojo

Name in Portuguese: Gavião-de-costas-vermelhas

Name in Italian: Poiana dorsorosso

Name in Dutch: Roodrugbuizerd

Name in French: Buse tricolore

Name in Finnish: Roodrugbuizerd

Name in Norwegian: Andesvåk

Name in Danish: Pragtvåge

Name in Swedish: Rödryggig vråg

Name in Polish: Aguja rdzawogrzbieta


Characteristics of the Red-backed Hawk





Brown, Leslie, Die Greifvögel - Ihre Biologie und Ökologie, Paul Parey Verlag Hamburg und Berlin, 1979

Ferguson-Lees, Jamie & Christie, David A., Raptors of the World, Houghton Mifflin Company Boston New York, 2001

Ferguson-Lees, Jamie; Christie, David, Raptors of the World - A Field Guide, Christopher Helm London, 2005, reprinted 2019

Grzimek, Bernhard et al (HG), Grzimeks Tierleben, Enzyklopädie des Tierreiches, Band VII , Vögel 1, Kindler Verlag AG Zürich, 1968

Schönberg, Horst, Falknerei - Der Leitfaden für Prüfung und Praxis, Verlag Peter N. Klüh Darmstadt, 3. durchgesehene Auflage 2009


Image Credits


all images by ©Raymond Loyal